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Steves Classic Audio Film Commentary Recordings

Three strangers arrive in a small town...

Steves Classic Audio Film Commentary Recordings is a podcast that features Steve's commentary on classic films. In this episode, Steve discusses the film "Three strangers arrive in a small town." The film tells the story of three strangers who arrive in a small town and quickly become entangled in a web of mystery and intrigue.

Well it was still brand new

Steve begins his commentary by discussing the film's opening scene, in which the three strangers arrive in the town of Smithville. Steve points out that the town is "still brand new," and that this is a significant detail because it suggests that the town is still in a state of flux. The town is still trying to find its identity, and the arrival of the three strangers is going to have a profound impact on its development.

And it fit like a glove

Steve goes on to discuss the relationship between the three strangers. He notes that they are all very different people, but that they quickly form a bond. Steve suggests that this is because they are all outsiders, and they are all looking for a place to belong.

Well trust me baby youre the Only

The film reaches its climax when the three strangers are forced to confront their pasts. Steve discusses how this confrontation leads to a sense of closure for the characters. He also discusses how the film's ending leaves the viewer with a sense of hope.

Steves Classic Audio Film Commentary Recordings is a great podcast for fans of classic films. Steve's commentary is insightful and engaging, and he provides a unique perspective on the films he discusses.

